APSGO Parenting Blog

Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer!
I must get out and breathe the air again.
-Gustav Mahler

We have all been itching to end the cooped-up existence we have been forced into. We have been itching to come out of both Winter and COVID hibernation.

March reveals longer days, higher temperatures, and Spring. Spring brings buds and sprouts that promise the beauty of lush green trees, shrubs, and colourful flower beds. Spring reminds us of the possibility of new life and coaxes us out of Winter hibernation.  Warmer, brighter days lift our spirits and encourage us to get out and be more active. Spring is the season of new beginnings.

APSGO, also, sprouts hope and growth. The APSGO Board continues to work on making it easier for people to become part of APSGO. The Board has just launched an online membership portal to centralize payments and registrations and has arranged for Autodeposit, e-transfers to the APSGO account. The Blog on our website is accumulating more and more information and articles that bring APSGO philosophy and its benefits to everyone. The Newsletter has also been enhanced and continues to inform members about APSGO news and upcoming events like Helen Jones workshops. There are two more workshops before the summer break.

Like Spring, APSGO promises new life; a life where parents acquire the skills to help themselves and their children to have better, happier, more fulfilling lives. I was recently in communication with a former APSGO President, Nancy Wright, who described APSGO as “one of the best kept secrets”. APSGO provides a way out of a stifling situation and offers a breath of fresh air.

Approval and administering of the COVID-19 vaccines gives us hope that we are quickly moving toward a more normal life. We can look forward to a more comfortable existence outdoors. APSGO members will have more possibilities to spread the news of our organization as we are able to mingle with more people. Vaccinating gives us hope that COVID hibernation is a thing of the past.

Between the Board’s tireless efforts to make APSGO more accessible and individual members raising awareness about APSGO, we can look forward to the notion that APSGO as “one of the best kept secrets” is a thing of the past.

Enjoy the better weather!

Jeannette Markle


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