APSGO Parenting Blog

COACHES CORNER The APSGO board is pleased to continue Coaches Corner to introduce and acknowledge our dedicated parent coaches. Our coaches work tirelessly with parents, often after receiving that very same help from their predecessors. If you are a coach, please consider writing to mail@apsgo.ca about your experiences so we can acknowledge you! We can send you a list of prompting questions. Featuring Andrea M. – Toronto Central Chapter I began attending parent support group meetings over ten years ago. I had been struggling to deal with my older son’s school avoidance and computer overuse. As many people do, I turned to Dr. Google. One day, […]
The APSGO board would like to introduce some of our coaches to those of you who read our newsletter & blog.  We think this is long overdue.  APSGO wouldn’t be what it is today without them.  Our coaches have worked tirelessly with parents, often after receiving that very same help from their predecessor’s.  They committed to staying because they believe in the APSGO philosophy and that having a respectful, successful and happy relationship our children is possible, they themselves are living proof.  Randy will be the first of many.  We hope you like hearing his story. Without further ado, we would […]